
1847年の創業以来、卓越した技術を追求し続けるカルティエ(Cartier)。ジュエリーと高級腕時計どちらにおいても傑出したメゾンだ。史上最もアイコニックな腕時計のうちに数えられる「タンク」「バロン ブルー」「サントス」や、近年発表されたなかでも魅力あふれる「パシャ ドゥ カルティエ」は必見だ。華麗なラインナップをお見逃しなく。

絞込み 15件の検索結果

The History

The jeweller to kings and the king of jewellers, Cartier’s story began in 1847 when Mr Louis-François Cartier rented a modest jewellery store near the oyster market in Paris. He was just 28, but within three decades his business was an empire, built by his sons Pierre, Louis and Jacques, in London, Paris and New York. Their Swiss-made watches are both timeless jewellery and Art Deco icons, with a penchant for novel case shapes and inspirations – from tortoises and baths to armoured vehicles.

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